Weierdun Hard Pink Tomato Fine Species--Pink Tomato Seed
Characteristics:It features indeterminate growth, pink fruit, strong growing ability, high rate of continuous fruit-setting, well-distributed fruit-setting, 7-10 fruits per spike, no early aging, unfolding sepals, high round fruit, good color, 250g per fruit, hard fruit, tolerance to transport, long shelf life, fit for border export, strong resistance to disease. This is one of the best pink-fruit tomato species at present and it is suitable protected cultivation in Northeast China and open-field cultivation in Northwest China.
Xiabaolu (Heat-Tolerance) TY-Resistance Pink Tomato --Pink Tomato Seed
Characteristics:This is newly developed hybrid heat-tolerance cracking-tolerance TY-resistance pink tomato species, featuring indeterminate growth, short internode, medium-early maturing, pink hard fruit, 250g per fruit, strong fruit-setting ability under high temperature, tolerance to cracking, tolerance to transport, resistance to disease. It is suitable for arch shed cultivation in April to July at Shandong, Henan and Hebei and open field cultivation is also available.
Weierpu No.8 (Cold-Tolerance) Pink Fruit Fine Species--Pink Tomato Seed
Characteristics:This is indeterminate-growing TY-resistance pink-fruit fine species, featuring tolerance to cold, no tolerance to heat, high round fruit, hard fruit, good shape, deep pink skin, unfolding sepals, neat fruit-setting, 250g per fruit, medium internode, medium amount of leaf, strong continuous fruit-setting ability, good flowering, high rate of fine fruit, resistance to TY virus, tolerance to leaf mold and leaf spot. It is suitable for overwintering and early spring greenhouse cultivation in North China.
Weierpu (Outstanding Early-Maturity)--Pink Tomato Seed
Characteristics:It is suitable for early-sowing regions. This is indeterminate-growing pink tomato, early maturing, short internode, no need controlling, good continuous fruit-setting ability, good shape of fruit, hard ffruit, tolerance to transport, 250g per fruit, high output, resistance to leaf mold, wilt disease and tobacco mosaic disease. It is suitable for overwintering and early spring protected cultivation.
Weiershi (Autumn-Delaying) TY-Resistance Pink Fruit--Pink Tomato Seed
Characteristics:This is first-generation-hybrid indeterminate-growing species, featuring medium maturing, strong growing ability, high round fruit, big hard fruit, smooth fruit surface, pink matured fruit, 260-300g per fruit, high output in the early stage, good adaptability, no tolerance to high-temperature, resistance to TY virus. It is suitable for autumn-delaying, overwintering and early spring greenhouse cultivation in North China.

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